Physiology & Pathology 1.0.11 (Full) Apk + Data for Android
Physiology & Pathology 1.0.11 (Full) Apk + Data for Android
-Compare 3D models of normal anatomy to models of common diseases and conditions
-Set the heart rate and visualize conduction in a dissectable, beating 3D heart, and follow along on an ECG
-Watch animations that present to the physiological processes of gas exchange, pulmonary ventilation, fluid balance, peristalsis, and more
-Walk through interactive lessons to understand the progression of atherosclerosis, kidney stones, lung cancer, and other common conditions
-Test your knowledge of various physiological processes and pathologies with quizzes
I cant wait to teach with thisit is the first time I have seen heart conduction, blood flow, ecg, and heart contractions all together!
Cindy Harley
Associate Professor of Biology
Metropolitan State University
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